Zenith Uno and Zenith Color: Enartis Potassium Polyaspartate-based Products - Enartis

Zenith Uno and Zenith Color: Enartis Potassium Polyaspartate-based Products

Zenith is a green and eco-friendly product that simplifies the tartaric stabilization process, helps you save money and is good for the environment. Find out how to use it in your cellar.

Zenith is the green revolution for tartaric stabilization of wine: the result of years of research carried out in collaboration with prestigious universities and wine institutes, Zenith is a range of products based on potassium polyaspartate, which inhibits the precipitation of potassium bitartrate in all types of wine (white, red and rosé), even those with high levels of instability, without altering filterability or organoleptic characteristics.

The use of Zenith also allows for reduced electricity and water consumption, while protecting the environment; it doesn’t require specialized labor and is a vegan-friendly product.

Let’s find out together the characteristics of the top products of the range:

  • Zenith Uno for tartaric stabilization of all types of wine
  • Zenith Color for tartaric and color stabilization of red and rosé wines.

Zenith Uno for all Types of Wine

Zenith Uno is a solution of potassium polyaspartate A-5D K/SD and sulfur dioxide, which quickly and efficiently inhibits the precipitation of potassium bitartrate, ensuring long-lasting stability even in highly unstable wines.

  • The use of Zenith Uno replaces other stabilization methods such as cold stabilization and offers several advantages:
  • It doesn’t require specific equipment or specialized labor
  • It doesn’t react with color matter in red wines
  • It can be used immediately before bottling or pasteurization because it can withstand high temperatures
  • It can be used in all types of wine; white, red and rosé.

Zenith Color for Red and Rosé Wine

Zenith Color is the specific product of the Zenith range designed for color and tartaric stabilization of red and rosé wines: it is a solution of potassium polyaspartate A-5D K/SD and sulfur dioxide with the addition, when compared to Zenith Uno, of gum Arabic Verek.

Its formulation makes it:

  • Effective for tartaric stabilization due to potassium polyaspartate, a substance capable of inhibiting the growth of potassium bitartrate crystals and therefore their precipitation in the bottle
  • Effective for color stabilization, due to the gum Arabic whose particular production process makes the product usable even before final filtration
  • Zenith Color does not require preliminary clarification for the treatment of unstable color.

Advantages of Zenith Range

All products in the Zenith range are sustainable and vegan-friendly: their use requires a lower consumption of electricity and water and generates a lower production of greenhouse gases, allowing producers significant savings.

Both Zenith Uno and Zenith Color have a long-lasting effects and are organoleptically neutral; therefore, they don’t affect aroma, color and structure of wine.

Additionally, they reduce the risk of oxidation and do not change filterability.

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